Read the (un)truths about organic food. In general, you can say that organic food is better for the environment than non-organic food. First of all, the crops are sprayed much less (or not) with all kinds of chemicals, such as insecticides and other pesticides or the use of fertilizer. Instead, as many natural products as possible are used as compost and manure. Reuse of ‘waste’ and not harmful substances that pollute the soil ensure that the natural balance of the environment is maintained. read the falsehoods about organic food

In addition, the use of heavy machinery is restricted as much as possible. This means less CO2 emissions and less damage to the subsurface (which is pressed and compressed by the use of heavy material).

And health

The aforementioned use of as many natural products as possible instead of all kinds of artificial growth and pesticides is also better for health. In addition, you can argue that an animal with full freedom of movement and healthy outdoor air also delivers better products due to its ‘healthy lifestyle’. The caveat here is that the causal link between healthier living – healthier product of the animal– has not yet beenscientifically proven.

There is no dispute about taste, one will say that organic food is much fuller and tastier in taste, the other will taste no difference. It is easy to say that without the use of artificial colours, flavours and fragrances, the taste will be more pure and less artificial.


What certainly plays a part in the taste perception is the feeling that is generated. Marketers and suppliers of organic food are all too keen to respond to this. With your boiled egg, the thought of a chicken in free rein gives a more positive emotion than that of a trapped hen.

Made aware

Organic food is very much on the rise, especially with a political party for the animals, we are constantly presented with how ‘bad’ animals are treated and we are made aware of the importance of organic food. For many, defecation for the environment is also an important argument for switching to organic products.

Read the falsehoods about organic food the price you pay for it

Organic food does have a price. Often it is about 30% more expensive than ‘normal’ food. But also those products are often on sale, so for the bargain hunters among us: you can keep it affordable.


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